Community Library seeking ‘Star Wars’ fan fiction

The Community Library, with branches in Salem Lakes and Twin Lakes, is sponsoring a “Star Wars” fan fiction contest.

The contest will run Sept. 1 through Oct. 26. Participants, ages 8-18, are asked to write an essay or short story using one of the following prompts:

Choose a character to go undercover as a stormtrooper on the Death Star as a spy. What happens to this character? What secrets does he or she learn about the Empire?

Can droids use the Force? Why or why not?

Which is more powerful: the dark side or the light side of the Force? Why?

Stories/essays should be typed and no longer than three pages in length.

Entries should include first and last name, age and phone number or email address.

Completed essays should be emailed to Jared Hedges at or turned in at either Community Library location by Oct. 26.

Entries will be judged in two age categories: 8-12 and 13-18. An Amazon gift card will be awarded to first place in each age category.

Winners will be judged on content, originality, grammar and creativity within their age category. All participants will receive a free book.