Extreme Sports You Didn’t Know Existed in Kenya – Kenyans.co.ke

Mombasa is best known for its white sandy beaches,warm weather and amazing facilities to enjoy vacations.

However, unknown to many there are other fun activities that can be enjoyed apart from swimming or normal boat rides.

In this article, Kenyans.co.ke will give you exciting options to try out especially now that local tourism has been embraced many Kenyans.

Jet Skis

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho was recently seen doing rounds on a jet ski which is a type of vessel which resembles a motorcycle, but used on water. 

Since a jet ski is expensive and needs boat license to acquire one, Mombasa is the perfect place to take these highly agile and speedy jet skis for a test drive. 

“I went on a jet ski safari and it was really amazing and so much fun. The feeling you get is like no other just riding on water. Pretty cool. I got to spot dolphins which was quite memorable,” Hope, a tourist recommended. 

Fly Boarding
If you would like to experience the thrill of flying above the Indian Ocean without a plane then you should consider this sport.

A fly board is a water shaped board similar to a snowboard and attached to a long hose that connects to a watercraft. 

A fly boarder stands on a board connected by a long hose to a watercraft. Water is then forced under pressure to a pair of boots with jet nozzles underneath, which provide thrust for the rider to fly up to 15 metres in the air, or to dive headlong through the water down to over two metres.

A photo of a person Fly-boarding

A photo of a person Fly-boarding


Kite Surfing
Kitesurfing is a wind powered surface watersport using a kite and a board to move across the water. Kitesurfing harnesses the power of the wind through a large parachute type kite to propel a rider across the water on a small surfboard or a kiteboard.

Kites with inflatable tubes are used to produce the pull from the wind. The inflatable parts of the kites help hold the shape and also allow the kite to float and therefore be re-launched from the water.

A photo of a person kite surfing

A photo of a person kite surfing

If you are not a fan of the high-adrenaline water activities, you can go kayaking by the mangrove in the coast. 

A kayak is a small, narrow watercraft which is typically propelled by means of a double-bladed paddle with which you can control the speed and enjoy the amazing view and experience. 

The small boats come in variation based on how many people it can accommodate. If two or more people are sailing, they have to coordinate their rowing to move in any particular direction.

Kayaking by the mangrove forest in Lamu County

Kayaking by the mangrove forest in Lamu County


if you would like to enjoy the Lamu sunset in the Indian Ocean as you drink and eat with your friends or special person,sailing in a dhow is a perfect choice. 

Tour operators have gone a notch higher in making dhow a favorite for couple by including a special message in the sail which is unveiled while rolled down.

Since the sail can go from sunset until the stars appear above the Indian Ocean, dhows are ideal for a romantic evening out.

Tourists enjoying a Dhow Cruise in Mombasa

Tourists enjoying a Dhow Cruise in Mombasa



The above experiences don’t have to be expensive in case you were wondering. Anto Neosoul who is a huge fan of the Kenyan coast says that organising the trips with friends can save on costs.

“If on a budget, get a friend in the town you’re going to and help out with their household needs and that way you don’t have to pay exorbitant prices.

“Also, eat local. Avoid high end restaurants if you’re on a budget. If you can be hosted by a friend, buy food and cook together to cut costs. The only way to enjoy coast is to live like them this way you get an understanding of the coast every time you go,” he advised.