Umland's Crunchy Cheese Bites.jpg

Umland’s Crunchy Cheese Bites

submitted photo

Vendor: Umland’s Crunchy Cheese Bites

Phone number: 815-404-1735

Where are you from? Marengo, Ill.

How long have you been selling at the market? This is our first year.

What dates in 2019 do you plan to be at the market? All of them.

Products sold at the market: Umland’s Crunchy Cheese Bites

Top seller on Saturdays at the market: Our Wisconsin Cheddar Bites

How did you get started? I have been in the consumer package goods business my whole career so when my brother and sister-in-law started this business, it was of high interest to me and I jumped in.

What do regular customers say about you? I am VERY passionate about our product.

What do you like about Kenosha’s market? It has a family friendly atmosphere.

What’s your most unique or unusual market story? I have a tendency to talk too much. Recently a customer bought one small bag of Crunchy Cheese for $5. As I continued to talk with him, after several minutes, he asked if he could have his change and stated he gave me a $20. I was skeptical but looked in my money belt and there it was, a $20 bill in the middle of my fives. Moral of this story, talk less, and pay attention to what you are doing.

Do you have other favorite stands at the market? Yes, Jus Jerkin, Jamaican jerk sauces and Esperanza Coffee collective. I am a spice and sauce guy and they are also great market neighbors. I love my coffee and my son is from Guatemala. We plan to visit the Esperanza coffee farm when we travel to Guatemala.