Have You Seen This? Pro wakeboarder might have just won the bottle cap challenge – KSL.com

THE WATER — Seems like everyone is doing the bottle cap challenge nowadays. While many of us have failed at trying to get the cap off a bottle in one smooth kick, there have been some pretty good successful attempts.

How about Donnie Yen’s perfect kick? Or Jason Statham’s successful kick? Lastly, why not take out a bottle cap with a car spoiler?

Of course, there have been some who’ve had fun with the challenge, like UFC fighter Jon “Bones” Jones. Meanwhile, we’ve also had challenge fails.

While there have been many bottle cap challenges, the video I’m about to show you may be the crown jewel of them all. Have you ever imagined what it would be like to complete the challenge … with a wakeboard. Well, imagine no more!

In this video, we see a bottle in the middle of the screen. We also see Steel Lafferty, a professional wakeboarder who is an X Games gold medalist and former Wakeboarder of the Year award winner. Lafferty is on his wakeboard and is about to do the seemingly impossible.

The moment is here.

Lafferty makes the jump, does a 360-degree turn in the air and somehow, someway is able to get the edge of his wakeboard to hit the bottle cap.

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This is getting out of hand. [via @steellafferty] #bottlecapchallenge

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The cap goes flying in the air just like Lafferty and his wakeboard.

Here’s to you, Steel! You’ve set the bar very, very high on the bottle cap challenge. Now I’m waiting for others to try to top this. Maybe a hockey player can take a cap off with a stick and puck? Then again, that bottle might not survive a direct puck hit.