This Surreal Surf Ranch Video Wants You to Buy an Audi – Surfer Magazine

Every once in a while, when big mainstream brands are looking to add a dash of youth, a hint of natural beauty, a sprinkling of escapism to their marketing campaigns, they turn to our beloved surfing. Sometimes they do it to sell perfume. Other times to hock high fashion. Or, in the case of the video above, the do it to sell a car…presumably?

It’s an odd example, sure, as you won’t find a single car in any of the sleekly-produced shots of Steph Gilmore, Leah Dawson and Coco Ho surfing at Kelly’s pool awash in otherworldly lighting sometime after dusk. Yet there it is, before the slo-mo cutbacks, the party waves, the exaggerated kick out: “Audi presents”.

Did Audi forget to add the shot of the thing they’re selling? Or is the sequel going to feature Laura Enever driving a tow-rope-equipped A5 next to the pool for whip-ins? More as this story develops…